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Perestroika Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Perestroika - Essay Example The advancement of key plans overall depends on explicit measures. Most as a rule, the objectives set must be...
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
A Plan To Redesign The Jewish Family Services - 1456 Words
Client Profile The client is the Jewish Family Services. They proved supplies to families and elderly who are suffering from low income and are forced to decide between living and food. Their goals are to assist people who need help and to empower those who wish to provide a better future for their families. The Jewish family serves is there to assist families that need help and hope that the family that they helped will turn around and help another family who is seeking an opportunity. I plan to redesign the Jewish family Serves site to make it more user friendly for people who can’t operate a computer or who doesn’t have a computer and can only gain access through a cellular device. Website Goals †¢ To make the site more user friendly†¦show more content†¦Some users have a hard time with using the site do to disabilities or not being able to use a computer so I plan on adding icons to the site which will allow user to scroll down pages easier to find the information they wish to see and for users that don’t have a computer making the site more mobile friendly will help those users too. Provide a login that ask user for their number so when an event occurs to user will receive a text or voice recorded call that will tell the user of the event and the time it starts without needing them to visit the site. Target Audience The plan for the new target audience will be for people who can afford a proper living, the main target will be families with poor living situations and elders who can’t take care of them self’s with just retirement checks. Dakota Ray Age: 32 Job: Construction Worker History: A father of 3 kids and brings in the only source of income for the family. Some week can’t provide food for the family and other weeks having to take the bus to get to work because of gas. And has been working in construction for 5 years. Competitors Chabad Asheville http://www.chabadasheville.org/ With that Chabad house of Ashville site I find the image slider on the home page and a photo gallery and events calendar displayed on the home page also to be quiet interesting giving the userShow MoreRelatedGentrification And Gentrification Of Gentrification1860 Words  | 8 Pagesat the west side of the Shaw Street and the Little Italy. The Little Italy closes by Harbord Street on the north and Dundas Street West on the south. Little Italy is all around served by general transport courses on Ossington Avenue, and streetcar service on College Street, Dundas Street and Bathurst Street. Little Italy is a monetarily varied neighbourhood that keeps running from Bathurst Street to Ossington Avenue, transected by its fundamental lane, College Street, only northwest of downtown TorontoRead MoreAdvancing Effective Communicationcommunication, Cultural Competence, and Patient- and Family-Centered Care Quality Safety Equity53293 Words  | 214 PagesAdvancing Effective Communication, Cultural Competence, and Patient- and Family-Centered Care A Roadmap for Hospitals Quality Safety Equity A Roadmap for Hospitals Project Staff Amy Wilson-Stronks, M.P.P., Project Director, Health Disparities, Division of Quality Measurement and Research, The Joint Commission. Paul Schyve, M.D., Senior Vice President, The Joint Commission Christina L. Cordero, Ph.D., M.P.H., Associate Project Director, Division of Standards and Survey Methods, The JointRead MoreDesigning a Customer Driven Statergy23698 Words  | 95 Pagestoolsâ€â€the Four Psâ€â€by which marketers bring these strategies to life. As an opening example of segmentation, targeting, differentiation, and positioning at work, let’s look at Dunkin’ Donuts. Dunkin’, a largely Eastern U.S. coffee chain, has ambitious plans to expand into a national powerhouse, on a par with Starbucks. But Dunkin’ is no Starbucks. In fact, it doesn’t want to be. It targets a very different kind of customer with a very different value proposition. Grab yourself some coffee and read onRead MorePlanned Approach to Change11990 Words  | 48 Pagesbeliefs stemmed from his background as a German Jew. Lewin was born in 1890 and, for a Jew growing up in Germany, at this time, ofï ¬ cially-approved anti-Semitism was a fact of life. Few Jews could expect to achieve a responsible post in the civil service or universities. Despite this, Lewin was awarded a doctorate at the University of Berlin in 1916 and went on to teach there. Though he was never awarded tenured status, Lewin achieved a growing international reputation in the 1920s as a leaderRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesindividuals locally had the potential to be much more intensely connected by new communications technologies, state-sponsored programs to achieve autarky, a global epidemic of ethnic strife, uncontrolled urban growth, and the dissolution of extended family ties in many societies divided nations and communities and isolated individuals to an extent unparalleled in recorded human history. For teachers, in particular, the challenge of weaving together in meaningful ways the seemingly disparate strandsRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagesorganisational theory currently available. What is needed is a text that will give a good idea of the breadth and complexity of this important subject, and this is precisely what McAuley, Duberley and Johnson have provided. They have done some sterling service in bringing together the very diverse strands of work that today qualify as constituting the subject of organisational theory. Whilst their writing is accessible and engaging, their approach is scholarly and serious. It is so easy for students (and
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
A Second Stream Of Management Research On Terrorism
A second stream of management research on terrorism has explored firm readiness and the performance impact of such preparation. In particular, several authors have examined the relationship between business continuity planning and the mitigation of the impact from unanticipated disasters such as terrorism (Cerullo Cerullo, 2004; Zsidisin, Melnyk, Ragatz, 2005). According to Cerullo and Cerrullo (2004), there is clear evidence from past catastrophes that international businesses without business continuity plans are ill-prepared and have a low probability of surviving unanticipated disasters such as terrorism, earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes. Practically, the 9/11 Commission Report (2004) urges the private sector to include continuity plans in their planning for a terrorist attack. The goal of such planning is increased resilience in the face of traumatic events such as terrorism. Enterprise resilience is the â€Å"ability and capacity to withstand systemic discontinuities and adapt to new risk environments†(Starr et al, 2003: 3), and this ability to bounce back, mitigate and endure disruptions and discontinuities can create a sustained competitive advantage over less adaptive firms (Starr et al., 2003). It is less than clear exactly what organizational factors lead to resilience (Vogus Sutcliffe, 2007), but prior experience seems to be an important consideration. For example, certain small firms with previous experience coping with uncertainty and violence have beenShow MoreRelatedThe Business Continuity Plan For A Dummy Variable1461 Words  | 6 PagesMNEs used in the Business Continuity Plan mediating variable are same MNEs identified for the Terrorism Exposure and Breadth of Experience in High-Risk Countries independent variables. The Erosion variable operationalizes the negative moderating effect from deterioration or wearing away of performance resilience over time. In other words, the Erosion variable is indicating the recency of the terrorism incident. The Erosion moderating variable is measured as the number of days since the last terroristRead MoreMetropolis Terrorism Incident Preparedness Strategy1343 Words  | 6 PagesMetropolis Terrorism Incident Preparedness Strategy The constantly changing nature of terrorism mandates that Metropolis continues to press forward to develop a vision and strategy that defines their terrorism preparedness objectives. Employing insight and identifying eight risk areas, Metropolis has developed this terrorism incident preparedness plan. The intent of this document is to provide Metropolis guidance and cohesion to support agencies during a terrorist event using reactionary and resiliencyRead MoreReading Review : Why Terrorism Doesn t Work1321 Words  | 6 PagesPOLS2207 Reading Review: Why Terrorism doesn’t work – Max Abrahms Leo Kwon I disagree with Abrahms’ article ‘Why Terrorism doesn’t work’, there are a number of fundamental flaws within his work that I feel undermines its credibility. I feel that if he offered the readers the chance to reach their own conclusions it would have been a persuasive piece. However, by using limited data samples as evidence for his arguments, I find it difficult to understand why this article is held in such high esteemRead MoreAttack Incidents On A Firm1831 Words  | 8 PagesTerrorism Experience is an independent variable representing the depth of proficiency, knowledge, best practices and insights that corporations, who were directly impacted by a specific terrorist incident, acquire from coping with the effects of terrorism. The Terrorism Experience is measured in terms of the cumulative number of terrorism incidents that directly affected the firm. The number of attack incidents on a firm is a Traditional type of terrorism measurement as categori zed by Frey et alRead MorePolitical Risks And Its Impact On Performance1341 Words  | 6 Pageshave to create new programs just to manage political risk, they are able to incorporate it into their â€Å"existing Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) systems, which would provide lower risk management costs, new revenue streams, better performance of existing businesses in emerging markets, and loss mitigation through improved business continuity planning and crisis management.†(Culp, Steve) Steve Culp believes this all achievable by simply following a three-step program which will allow business to â€Å"identifyRead MoreEffect of Terrorism on Pakistan Economy5798 Words  | 24 PagesECONOMIC COST OF TERRORISM: A CASE STUDY OF PAKISTAN Arshad Ali * The world is currently confronting terrorism in different manifestations. After the 9/11 terrorist events, the phenomenon of terrorism has abruptly changed the socioeconomic and geopolitical situation of the world. Terrorist groups have linkages with each other and are utilising each other‟s areas for recruitment and training, exchanging illegal weapons, engaging in joint planning and ventures, and also providing administrative andRead MorePopulation Crisis4749 Words  | 19 Pagesciit/fa09-bba-053/lhr RAZA AMJAD ciit/fa09-bba-116/lhr Submission Date: May3,2010 COMSATS Institute Of Information Technology Lahore ACLNOLDGEMENT First of all, we would like to thank our friends for assisting and helping us in our research. We would like to thank our teacher for helping us how to do study. We would like to thank our librarian for letting us borrow some books, for the computer lab incharge for letting us use computers. We would like to thank our parents for their financialRead MoreLeveraging The Capabilities Of Service Oriented Decision Support Systems2934 Words  | 12 Pagessuch as information system in order to manage such kinds of issues effectively. Introduction To understand and analyze the purposes/objectives aim is important, in order to accomplish the outcomes of the research paper. Due to objectives and aims offers a brief overview about the research paper so that the readers can understand its role and importance. The main aim of this paper is to conduct a study on the different aspects of Information Systems Development (ISD) methodologies or approachesRead MoreSecurity Screening And Safety Screening2305 Words  | 10 Pagesworking memory (Parasuraman, 1979). In tests between November 2001 and February 2002, screeners missed 70% of knives, 30% of guns and 60% of (fake) bombs (Los Angeles Times, 2002). Schneier (2006) also explains that as airport security faces an endless stream of identical objects, the brain automatically concludes that everything is similar and there is no need to pay careful attention and by the time the exception comes around, the brain will not be able to notice it. Furthermore, other undercover testsRead Mo reThe Socio-Cultural Effects of Technology on Society4293 Words  | 18 PagesGroup research paper: The Socio-Cultural Effects of Technology on Society Technology and society or technology and culture refer to the recurring co-dependence, co-influence, co-production of technology and society upon the other (technology upon culture, and vice-versa) (Webster’s Dictionary 5060). There are an extraordinary number of examples how science and technology has helped us that can be seen in society today. One great example is the mobile phone. Ever since the invention of
Monday, December 9, 2019
Jason ; the Argonauts [v4.0] Talos Myth versus Movie. Essay Example For Students
Jason ; the Argonauts [v4.0]: Talos Myth versus Movie. Essay Jason the Argonauts v4.0: Talos Myth versus Movie. Ryan Kunnemann L.A. 2 Oct 6, 1996Talos Myth versus Movie. The characterization of Talos in Jason and the Argonauts is portrayed verydifferent in the myth and the movie. One major contrast was that Talos was thelast Bronze person in the myth. In the movie, Talos was lifeless untilHercules broke into Taloss chamber and stole a hairpin. However, in the myth,he was awake and ready to take on Jason and the Argonauts. The film had Talospicking up the ship, Argo, and throwing it in a violent way, but in the myth itsays he hurls a crag at the Argo. In the original legend, Hercules, one of theArgonauts, did not fight against Talos, but in the movie, Hercules is there tohelp.Hercules then leaves Jason and the Argonauts to look for a friend thatwas killed in the fight. The true story had Hercules leaving long before this,on the first Island, to look for a long lost friend. The motion picture alteredmany of the actions in the myth, dont you think this added to the excitementof the film?
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Pupil free essay sample
Concert Music Is one of the most Important art expressions, lots of feelings and values can be expressed, and of course lots of stories can be told too. I like many music styles, from classical music to rock and even folk music. One of my favorite musicians is Sting, he is a great singer, bass/doubles player, a great song writer and an actor too. His style is a mixture of many styles, such as pop, Jazz, blues, soul, reggae and much more. One of my favorite songs Is Shape of my heart, Sting is a brilliant and clever Caucasian, a great song writer and one hell of a performer.I love the mood, emotion and passion of Stings music. And there are so many songs you can really connect to. With incredible musicianship, Sting combines rock, jazz and blues like nobody else, and his distinctive, powerful voice never disappoints. We will write a custom essay sample on Pupil or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My favorite album is the Nothing Like the Sun Sting was born on October 2, 1951 in Newcastle-upon-Tine, a large industrial city in Northumberland. His real name is Gordon Mathematics Samara. His mother had a miscalculation. She taught her son to the wonderful world of music by teaching IM to play the pianoforte his childhood.An American drummer Stewart Copeland noticed him,and persuaded him to do rock. He got the nickname Sting because he loved to wear black sweaters in a gold stripe, which made him look like a bumblebee. In 1981, Sting left the group,and in 1985 he released his first solo album The Dreamed The Blue Turtles. The most popular songs 0 Russians 0 Roseanne Englishman In New-York C] All For Love 0 When We Dance 0 Brand New Day 0 Ill Be Mammals You Shape Of My Heart Favorite My favorite song Is Englishman In New York.Sting wrote this song about himself, about his life In the USA. Some lines from it dont drink coffee I take tea, my dear,l like my toast done on the sideband you can hear it in my accent when I talk an Englishman in New York Today, I listen to a lot of folk songs with my child who is three years old. My son is very fond of folk songs, especially Coolant Kodiak and Bell Bartok songs and choral works. When I was 7 years old, I went to the Coolant Kodiak elementary school, so I know a lot of folk songs. My sons favorite Hey Vary;nIf you have time, I often listen to the radio, I like almost all genres. I like any kind of music and I have already been to deferent concerts with my friends The members of hooligans known each other since childhood and had even played together. In 1996, the band was founded Hooligans, The band consists of four members There are plenty of awards and recognition received in recent years. In the future, I will want to go to a concert hooligans. My husband and my child loves this band. We listen this music in the car when we travel somewhere.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
buy custom PowerCo essay
buy custom PowerCo essay PowerCo is the largest power generating company selling electricity throughout many states in the southeast region of the United States. The company also believes that the demand of the electricity would increase over the next 10-12 years. The current capabilities of the company are not enough to meet this estimated demand over the next decade. The management of PowerCo has decided that they need to build a new generator in order to meet the anticipated high demand appropriately. It is an estimate that the building of the new generator would be completed within two years and this generator would remain functional for the next ten years. A financial analysis has been done according to the projections with the help of the Treasury Department, which is given below. Q1. PV of the Expected Cost at 8% Year 1: PV= $25 * 0.926= $23.15 Year 2: PV= $28 * 0.857= $23.996 Total Cost= $23.15+ $23.996= $47.15million Q2. PV of after tax cash inflows with 8% interest rate Year 3: PV= $6 * 0.794= $4.764 Year 4: PV= $7 * 0.735= $5.145 Year 5: PV= $8 * 0.681= $5.448 Year 6: PV= $9 * 0.63= $5.67 Year 7:PV= $9 * 0.583= $5.247 Year 8: PV= $9 * 0.54= $4.86 Year 9: PV= $9 * 0.5= $4.5 Year 10: PV= $9 * 0.463= $4.167 Year 11: PV= $9 * 0.429= $3.861 Year 12: PV= $9 * 0.397= $3.573 Total PV of cash inflows= $47.24million Q3. Net Present Value is the difference between the PVs of outflows and inflows. NPV= $47.24 - $47.15= $0.09million; this is a positive net present value which states that the expected profits are greater than the expected costs. The cash outflows in the first two years are the project costs when being built and the cash inflows would be the profits generated from the project. This positive NPV shows that the investment would generate a profit in returns therefore, it can be and it should be made. If the case was a negative net present value, then the investment should have been avoided as it exhibits a potential loss. Q4. First and the main risk associated with the building of the facility is that there is no absolute calculation of the cash flows and costs; all the mentioned figures are expected. The anticipated cash flows is based on the sales and demand that is stretched over a period of ten years which can never be truly estimated at the moment. By the end oof the first two years, the company is opting for an optimistic outlook on the demand. The duration of the ten years seems to be on a very conservative side according to the department of treasury but, one thing not considered is the risk of changing rate of inflation which has the potential to vastly change the outcome of the expected cash flows after tax. Q5. Reviewing all the data calculated above, my recommendation is that the company should definitely carry on with the investment in this project. As the net present value is positive, the company is expecting a profit of $0.09million as calculated above. There is also a chance that the cash flows may continue longer than simply ten years. Although the company has taken a conservative side but there are many chance that the cash inflows may come for more than ten years which means that the NPV would be even greater. Lets assume even the cash inflow remains the same at $9 million but it come for 13 years the PV would be: Year 13: PV= $9 * 0.386= $3.312 Year 14: PV= $9 * 0.34= $3.06 Year 15: PV= $9 * 0.315= $2.84 If we calculate now, the NPV= $56.44 - $47.15= $9.29million; this shows that if the life of the project simply increases by 3 years, the NPV increases to $9.29 million. So, this investment should be made as it is in the best interest of the company. Buy custom PowerCo essay
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Definition of an Aliphatic Compound
Definition of an Aliphatic Compound An aliphatic compound is an organic compound containing carbon and hydrogen joined together in straight chains, branched chains, or non-aromatic rings. It is one of two broad classes of hydrocarbons, the other being aromatic compounds. Open-chain compounds that contain no rings are aliphatic, whether they contain single, double, or triple bonds. In other words, they may be saturated or unsaturated. Some aliphatics are cyclic molecules, but their rings are not as stable as those of aromatic compounds. While hydrogen atoms are most commonly bound to the carbon chain, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, or chlorine atoms might also be present. Aliphatic compounds are also known as aliphatic hydrocarbons or eliphatic compounds. Examples of Aliphatic Compounds Ethylene, isooctane, acetylene, propene, propane, squalene, and polyethylene are examples of aliphatic compounds. The simplest aliphatic compound is methane, CH4. Properties of Aliphatic Compounds The most significant characteristic of aliphatic compounds is that most of them are flammable. For this reason, aliphatic compounds are often used as fuels. Examples of aliphatic fuels include methane, acetylene, and liquefied natural gas (LNG). Aliphatic Acids Aliphatic or eliphatic acids are the acids of nonaromatic hydrocarbons. Examples of aliphatic acids are butyric acid, propionic acid, and acetic acid.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Software Engineering Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Software Engineering - Assignment Example At this second level, organizations depend mainly on policies for managing a software project and measures to apply those policies are established. These measures help the organizations to repeat successfully the previously mastered tasks and avoid the repetition of failures. The major chunk of an organizations processes at this level stays institutionalized, through staff experience instead of detailed documentation procedures. The various engineering activities and the processes of management at this level is formally defined, documented and integrated. In the process of development and maintenance of software, the organizations staff follows this defined standard process. At this third level, newer methods and tools can be added, and it becomes easier to train new staff to adapt according to the requirement of the organization. At this level, organizations stress the importance of quantitatively measuring the quality of the products delivered by each process. Detailed measures of the software process and product quality are collected and used to identify and correct issues with process performances. Organizations set quantitative goals for both software products as well as processes. As part of the organizations measurement program, productivity and quality of all software process activities and its supporting activities are measured. As new sets of tools or processes are added, or adjustments are made to already existing processes, measurement data enables the organization to access the success of the adjustment as well as prevent the recurrence of defects. At level 5, focus is on the continuous process improvement. The organization proactively identifies strengths and weakness in process, with the aim of preventing the occurrence of defects. Here continuous improvement becomes institutionalized into the development process. Instead of merely
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Resistance and containment as described in the song The Revolution Essay
Resistance and containment as described in the song The Revolution Will Not be Televised - Essay Example Scott-Heron underlines that a controlled or structured media can never demonstrate the waves of social, political and cultural changes of a nation. The entire song reveals the idea that The Black revolution would be down in the grooves and on the lanes. The whites always regarded the blacks as downtrodden and denied them the necessities of life. Though most of the black leaders had protested against this injustice, they were either silenced by jails or bullets. Blacks used Popular Music as the manifestation of their suppressed feelings and Scott- Heron’s song ‘The Revolution Will Not be Televised’ deserves significance in this respect. Through this widely accepted song, Scott-Heron could rouse the innate feelings of the blacks and the very first stanza of the song makes this grim reality vivid. Readers get a clear picture of the social set up existed with many ‘don’ts’ at the time of the composition of this song. As the blacks ‘will not b e able to’ perform what they desired, they realise the reality that their revolution for attaining racial equality will remain as an oasis. Any one can feel a note of sadness and can experience the dejected state of mind of the blacks in the song; on the other hand, the song has also the power to raise one’s thoughts to a higher level of aesthetic appreciation. As a spokesman of black community, Scott-Heron, like other black writers, portrays the ill-treatment they suffer at the hands of the dominant white community. The very first line of the song grabs one’s attention as one can see the pathetic state of blacks being denied of their own houses. However, there is a struggle to endure the sufferings and by portraying the endurance of the blacks, Scott-Heron in a way is advocating that liberation is constantly countered by implicit (and explicit) forms of oppression that are not always immediately identifiable (Jackson). Scott-Heron uses a lot
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Assessing Importance of School Factors Such as Racism Essay Example for Free
Assessing Importance of School Factors Such as Racism Essay A variety of material disadvantages that may confront ethnic minorities coming from working class backgrounds are they do not achieve the same level of education. The main achievers are Indian, Chinese and African students, but the lowest achievers are Turkish, Bangladeshi And Afro Caribbean students. The white working class students are the lowest achieving, which is peculiar because most sociologists are white who stereotype and label other students from different backgrounds. The main cause of underachievement in schools are cultural and language factors which sociologists clarify and focus on and are thought to be main cause of everything. Previously the spotlight has been put on what happens in school and racism in common As shown by Cecile Wright, which explains that, Asian students can also be the victims of teachers Cecile found out that regardless of the schools evident promise to equal opportunities, teachers still hold ethnocentric views they believe that British culture and English are greater. This prepared teachers to assume that they would have a poor pronunciation of English and left them out of class debates or used basic, childlike speech when speaking to them. Asian pupils also felt cut off when teachers spoken dissatisfaction of their behaviour or misread their names. Teachers saw them not as a risk but as a difficulty they could take no notice of. This resulted in that Asian pupils in particular the girls were hard-pressed to the limits and disallowed from play a part fully. Close at hand is proof of teacher racial discrimination and harmful labelling. Nevertheless study shows that pupils can take action in variety of ways. They may take action by becoming unsettling or withdrawn but pupils may decline to agree to the label and even choose to prove it incorrect by putting in hard work. Off-putting labels do not repeatedly twist into self-fulfilling prophecy Working class white pupils attain below standards and have lesser desires. There isn’t much parental support at home, which means there is low achievement and goals. Reports show that teachers have to deal with low level of behaviour and discipline in white working class schools. Nevertheless they had fewer kids on benefit programs teachers blame this on inadequate parental support at home and negative attitude that white working class parents have towards their children and their education. The life in the street for white working class can be tough for pupils which means they get used to getting intimidating and intimidate other which they pick up and use in school to cause disruptions and make it hard for other students to succeed at school. Underachievement of student of different is blamed on cultural deprivation. Few sociologists say that Afro-Caribbean families lack a close relationship to their family and therefore are extremely violent towards everything they do. Arguments explain that families aren’t very supportive towards their children and they don’t offer enough cultural capital for their children. Stereotypical views suggest those students are not deprived because of their class or because of their backgrounds. Factors like social class are important to certain ethnic minorities like Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and a considerable amount of Afro-Caribbean students, which are all working class backgrounds in which material deprivation play a main role because to find out why they achieve below the national standards. Sociologists say schools and curriculums made just for one specific group of ethnic minority gives priority to one particular ethnic minority while disregarding other ethnic groups. Some schools have curriculums, which are ethnocentric because they only give priority to English languages. The British curriculum has been described as exclusively British. In history Britain is thought to bring civilisation to ancient people are colonised. Black people as inferior weakens black children’s self esteem and Leads to them to underachieving and failing. It isn’t for sure what effects the ethnocentric study shows that black don’t really suffer from low self esteem. Wright’s study found some ethnic minority groups received poorer interaction from staff. Teachers perceptions were seem as stereotypical although Asian students were seen as good and black students were seen disruptive and disobedient. Study show that schools in cities which contain ethnic minority students were not benefitting in terms of O Levels entries because of being in low set and having to achieve high grade in order to get good results and become successful. Overall taking into consideration we can not split or label ethnicity from social classes and gender since this is really difficult matter as some of the main achieving students are from ethnic minorities so for that reason there isn’t a connection here so we can’t make statements or come to conclusions as to what the association among ethnic groups and schools actually are. Pupils can refuse to accept negative classing and teacher expectations. Sociologists can’t come to a conclusion to explain what occurs between teacher and students or what takes place in different ethnic groups related to education. Students live up to roles they are given but can try to resist the labels and getting put behind by carrying out what is thought of them to do or do what they want to do and achieve good education and become successful.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Education as a Part of the Harlem Renaissance Essay -- Harlem Renaissa
Education as a Part of the Harlem Renaissance In 1917, the United States found itself buried in a conflict with many different nations. Labeled as World War I, the United States goal was to support the fight for democracy across the world. As the war progressed, there was a need to fulfill many jobs due to the labor shortages that the North had been experiencing. To be more exact, the North received a major labor blow, due to the large enlistment of men into the Army. The draft also helped to cripple the labor supply of the North. The fact that the North was primarily industry based, caused many jobs to become vacant, and created an extremely high demand for an immediate labor force. Large numbers of African Americans migrated from the South to the North in response to the need for a steady labor force, and in hopes of finding economic growth. As World War I ended, many more African Americans migrated from the south to the north due to an overwhelmingly large amount racial tension in the aftermath of the war. This great mig ration of African Americans, from the south to the north led to black settlements in some of the larger northern industrial cities, such as Washington D.C., Philadelphia, and New York. In about 1920, many of the African Americans who had moved to the north from the south were beginning to embrace the concept of the â€Å"New Negro†, which was a movement that was not only a social revolt against racism, but also served as a literary movement, as well as redefined African American expression. This movement better known as the Harlem Renaissance was a key contributor to African Americans, and the way that their roles changed in the United States, on the road to equal rights as well as economic equality. The Harlem Renaissance will forever be remembered as the turning point in African American culture, as well as their place in America today. Harlem Renaissance An era of written and artistic creativity among African Americans that occurred after World War I, and lasted until the middle of the 1930’s depression; This is the definition that you would probably get for the Harlem Renaissance if you looked it up in a book, but the Harlem Renaissance was much more than that. The Harlem Renaissance was an expression of redefined African Americans who felt a sense of self-pride, and promoted the celebration of their African American herita... ...erature was written with such intricate writing methods, and complex undertones. The works of the period were a tough read. Many black felt the nee to be informed on what was going on in their communities. Many black journals, and magazines published and owned by black intellectuals kept blacks abreast on what was going on in the cities. Another influence of Education was an influx of black immigration from the West Indies during the 1920's. This immigration was in result of many of the Caribbean people thinking that there was a chance of greater prosperity, as well as opportunity in the United States, than in their country. New York soon began to become a center for immigration into the United States. Unlike many of the southern blacks that migrated to the north after World War I, there was almost no illiteracy amongst the immigrants. They were described as being sober-minded, and having a genius for business enterprise.†Furthermore it was mentioned that, â€Å"one-third of the city's Negro professionals, physicians, dentists, and lawyers were foreign born." Education made the Harlem renaissance a learning experience, and paved the way for other black intellectuals to emerge.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Education in the Classroom, or in the Real World
Oscar Wilde and Lord Brougham have different ideas about the education system. Wilde states â€Å"Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. †This means that education does not teach a person every thing they need to know, a person learns from doing things outside of school. Lord Brougham says â€Å"Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern but impossible to enslave. †This means Brougham sees education as the tool, which creates free thinkers. Wilde has a better idea about education because he seems to believe that there are many ways to learn things. People are not taught in school how to deal with accidents, how to be trusted, and how to be a good friend to someone. Accidents are unexpected happenings that can be caused by chance. Accidents happen in many different ways and different places. Dealing with an accident isn't something that teachers explain it is something that a person learns first hand. When a person is in an accident there is a lot to deal with. Depending on the type of accident. For example I was in an accident, my truck rolled. The first thing I had to deal with is talking to the police officer. Dealing with the police is scary no matter what the situation is, not to mention a near death situation. The cop went over what happened, who was driving and of course who was drinking. After that was established the next thing to deal with was dad. A parental unit is hard to explain something like this to. There isn†t a teacher who can teach a student how to explain to their father that they just rolled their pick up. Some parents are very strict and not very understanding, and some parents are easy going and don't care. It would be hard for teachers to know what kind of an accident the student was in, and what the student is feeling after the accident therefore it would be hard to teach the student how to deal with an accident they just have to learn it for themselves. There is no teacher that can tech a person thing that are learn by being taught. People have to earn some ones trust they just don†t automatically trust some one. Teachers can't say their looks like a good person, they have on nice clothes, and they can be trusted. It don't work that way, trust has to be built. It can be built by returning something someone dropped or by listening when a friend is having a bad day, and not turning around blabbing what she just said. Sharing secrets helps build trust. A person has to learn who they can and can't trust, sometimes they may get burned and hurt, when they tell a secret and go to school the next day to find out the whole school body knows what the little secret was. They learned that they couldn†t trust that person, even if that person was dressed in nice clothes, and looked like a good person. Sharing secrets and knowing who that person is build trust. No teacher can tech a person to trust anyone they don't know. To be a good friend a person has to be there to listen to problems. Not only listening but willing to give advice. The old saying â€Å"If all your friends jumped off a cliff would you? †A true friend would say no, because they would be at the bottom, to catch their friends. A true friend would get up in the middle of the night to listen a dream that just couldn't wait until tomorrow. Teachers can't teach a person how to be a good friend or for that matter, teachers can't teach you how to be a good friend. If a person cares about another person they can be friends because they will be will to go out of their way to help the other person. If people didn't care about people they wouldn't help each other out, and they wouldn't be friends. People can be nice to people but that don't make them friends. Teachers can teach people how to be nice to people, also called manners. Friends are something that just comes natural. To know and to learn are two different things. Know how to wreak a truck or to wreak a friendship can only be taught by them. No teacher can tech a person how to roll a truck or how to gain the trust of a good friend. Only a person can tech them selves and still learn by the mistakes that where given, during the time that a person was taught.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Brute
The drama essay â€Å"The Brute†by Anton Chekhov is typically referred to that subgenre of comedy known as the farce. What separates a farce from the more pedestrian and commonplace â€Å"comedy†is that it is infused with a sense of whimsy as well as a detachment from reality that, paradoxically, should serve to make it all the more realistic. In the case of The Bear the farcical elements are utilized to heighten the emotional intensity that is under normal circumstances subject to far too much control and restraint to allow it freedom in a work of drama as short as this play.The revelation that love and the realization of love is enough to make Smirnoff undergo the series of truly bizarre and unexpected changes in register could probably only be accomplished in a farce. The arguments that take place between Mrs. Popov and Smirnov serve both to provide the comic material for the play and as a foundation upon which to build Smirnov's growing realization that he succumb ing to the ultimate debt of love. Popov has retained her commitment to her husband long after his death has released her from that debt.Smirnov is a landowner who had lent money to Mr. Popov's husband before his death and who has now shown up to demand repayment because he, in turn, is facing down his own creditors. The cyclical nature of debt and repayment serves as a metaphor for relationships between men and women. The play proceeds from a point of Popov's refusal and Smirnov's reactions. It is the evolution of Smirnov's reactions that is the key to understanding his character.The progression of the play is through dialogue rather than action and the progression of the dialogue of Smirnov is one of self-assuredness-almost cockiness-to a sense of losing control, which ultimately leads Smirnov to realize he has fallen in love. Smirnov boasts that he has â€Å"refused twelve women and nine have refused†him. These are the words of a man still secure in his independence before a woman; an insecure man never admits that a woman has refused him, much less nine. The subject at hand is still the debt as the argument intensifies, but then Mrs.Popov takes it from the financial to the personal. She attacks his very humanity by crying out â€Å"You're nothing but a crude, bear! A brute! A monster! â€Å". Finally, things progress-as it seems it always must-to weapons being brought to bear. Mrs. Popov goes for her husband's pistols, essentially turning the argument into a full scale duel. There is only one problem: Mrs. Popov does not know how to fire the gun. At this point, she ceases to be a debtor and is well on her way to becoming a woman. Smirnov is lost.Smirnov's reactions to Mrs. Popov change considerably after weapons are introduced and since it is clear he has no real fear for his life, this change that comes over only can only be attributed to a death in his original feelings for the widow as his emotional trek comes to a rest a full one-hundred eight y degrees from where he started. Nothing in either his words or his actions could lead one to suppose that any element of truth is expressed when Smirnov asserts â€Å"If she fights I'll shoot her like a chicken! . One can well imagine the Smirnov who first entered Mrs. Popov's home at the beginning of the play actually entertaining this idea-if not actually going through with it-but the words ring empty and hollow by the point at which they are actually spoken. The Bear is a drama-perhaps even a tragedy if one cares to extrapolate what may happen to these two characters once the curtain comes down upon this small moment in their lives-masquerading as a farce. And, of course, it has to be that way.If the events that take place within the short period of time allotted in this short play were played straight and dramatically, Smirnov's strange, comedic odyssey from cold, heartless debt collector to overwhelmed object of love would draw even more laughs, albeit unintentionally. To sho w the absurdity of Smirnov's situation, indeed the absurdity of how any two people come to fall in love, the farce is the writer's best weapon. It provides a method of distancing the audience from realizing they too are characters in a real life farce every time they fall in love.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Problems in Rondonia essays
Problems in Rondonia essays The Amazon, the largest area of continuous tropical rain forest in the world, is greatly cherished for its abundance of plant and animal diversity. Destruction of the tropical rainforests that take place today in Rondonia is caused by a government movement. The government of Brazil stated that all the 'Small Holders' would receive a share of land to their ownership where they are also promissed a better and easier life, farming the lands are their jobs once moved to Rondonia. The terible irony in this situation the governement hasn't realized is, the farms don't have furtile land that can't support farming which defeats the purpose of starting a farm there which also leads to destroying the land. As the Small Holders have to move to new lands they push out the already living rubber tappers that can live of of 1 hectare in which Small Holders can't even live off 500. The one most dredful irony the fact of cutting down the rainforest creates a national globel problem for example , the rain forest keeps the ground from drying out. Its vegetation absorbs water and then slowly releases it. When this vital watershed is lost, catastrophic flooding can result. Thus, the Amazon also serves as a weather regulator. If the cutting of the rain forest continues many species in the Amazon will be lost, the most devestating part is weather change, globel warming because of our ozone beening decreased it is. The destruction of the Amazon should be stoped. ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Extended Metaphor in Literature
Extended Metaphor in Literature An extended metaphor is a common literary device used as a comparison between two, unlike things that are commonly used in descriptive prose or poetry. Sometimes, it is just a sentence or two, or sometimes it can be even longer, lasting a paragraph or more. This literary term is also known as a conceit or a mega-metaphor. An extended metaphor is sometimes confused with allegory. The various elements or images in an extended metaphor may fit together or complement one another in different ways. Allegory Versus Extended Metaphor Allegory is often described as an extended metaphor, but this description only works if extended refers to the linguistic expression while metaphor refers to the conceptual structure. For example, Peter Crisp, English professor for the Chinese University of Hong Kong, claims that Extended metaphor... is different from allegory because it contains language that relates directly to both the source and target. Literary Construct Only Extended metaphors are a literary construct as opposed to an ordinary-language metaphor. Extended metaphors are used consciously and sustained throughout a text or discourse. Unlike ordinary-language metaphors, they are not a one-off use of a description usually made out of necessity to get a point across. According to some language experts, extended metaphors are the exclusive property of literary texts, although this is not conclusive because of the use of sustained metaphors in advertising. Examples of Extended Metaphors The best way to understand the concept of an extended metaphor is to see it in use. Authors and poets from all over the world, from all genres, and many time periods, have used or likely will use an extended metaphor in one way or another. Dean Koontz, Seize the NightBobby Holloway says my imagination is a three-hundred-ring circus. Currently, I was in ring two hundred and ninety-nine, with elephants dancing and clowns cartwheeling and tigers leaping through rings of fire. The time had come to step back, leave the main tent, go buy some popcorn and a Coke, bliss out, cool down.Michael Chabon, The Yiddish Policemans UnionIt never takes longer than a few minutes, when they get together, for everyone to revert to the state of nature, like a party marooned by a shipwreck. That’s what a family is. Also the storm at sea, the ship, and the unknown shore. And the hats and the whiskey stills that you make out of bamboo and coconuts. And the fire that you light to keep away the beasts.Emily Dickinson, Hope Is the Thing With FeathersHope is the thing with feathersThat perches in the soul,And sings the tune- without the words,And never stops at all,And sweetest in the gale is heard;And sore must be the stormThat could abash the little birdThat kept so many warm.Ive heard it in the chillest land,And on the strangest sea;Yet, never, in extremity,It asked a crumb of me. Charles Dickens, The Mystery of Edwin DroodWhosoever has observed that sedate and clerical bird, the rook, may perhaps have noticed that when he wings his way homeward towards nightfall, in a sedate and clerical company, two rooks will suddenly detach themselves from the rest, will retrace their flight for some distance, and will there poise and linger; conveying to mere men the fancy that it is of some occult importance to the body politic, that this artful couple should pretend to have renounced connection with it.Similarly, service being over in the old Cathedral with the square tower, and the choir scuffling out again, and divers venerable persons of rook-like aspect dispersing, two of these latter retrace their steps, and walk together in the echoing Close.Henry James, The AmbassadorsUnless she hid herself altogether she could show but as one of these, an illustration of his domiciled and indeed of his confirmed condition. And the consciousness of all this in her charming eyes w as so clear and fine that as she thus publicly drew him into her boat she produced in him such a silent agitation as he was not to fail afterwards to denounce as pusillanimous. Ah dont be so charming to me!- for it makes us intimate, and after all what is between us when Ive been so tremendously on my guard and have seen you but half a dozen times? He recognized once more the perverse law that so inveterately governed his poor personal aspects: it would be exactly like the way things always turned out for him that he should affect Mrs. Pocock and Waymarsh as launched in a relation in which he had really never been launched at all. They were at this very moment- they could only be- attributing to him the full license of it, and all by the operation of her own tone with him; whereas his sole license had been to cling with intensity to the brink, not to dip so much as a toe into the flood. But the flicker of his fear on this occasion was not, as may be added, to repeat itself; it spran g up, for its moment, only to die down and then go out forever. To meet his fellow visitors invocation and, with Sarahs brilliant eyes on him, answer, was quite sufficiently to step into her boat. During the rest of the time her visit lasted he felt himself proceed to each of the proper offices, successively, for helping to keep the adventurous skiff afloat. It rocked beneath him, but he settled himself in his place. He took up an oar and, since he was to have the credit of pulling, pulled. Will Ferrell (Actor/Comedian), Commencement Address at Harvard University in 2003I graduated from the University of Life. All right? I received a degree from the School of Hard Knocks. And our colors were black and blue, baby. I had office hours with the Dean of Bloody Noses. All right? I borrowed my class notes from Professor Knuckle Sandwich and his teaching assistant, Ms. Fat Lip Thon Nyun. That’s the kind of school I went to for real, okay?
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Managerial accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Managerial accounting - Essay Example Utilization of manufacturing overhead: over application or under application Under application or over application of manufacturing overhead is given by the difference between expected costs and actual costs. Expected overhead cost for December= $ 200000 Actual costs= number of machine hours *rate per machine hours =6000*30 =180000 Therefore Under application of manufacturing overhead = expected coast- actual cost =200000-180000 =20000 Under application of manufacturing overhead cost during December is $ 20000. Balance in finished goods inventory account on 31 December Finished goods inventory consist of the N11- 013 goods. The cost of finished inventory is therefore the total cost for N11-013. Total cost = direct materials+ direct labor+ overheads =8000+ 24000+ (1000*30) =32000+30000 = 62000 Therefore, closing finished goods inventory is equivalent to $ 62000. ... th ended 30 November Physical units materials conversion total Beginning WIP 1600 - 800 Units started and completed 34000 34000 34000 Ending WIP 2000 2000 1000 Equivalent units 37600 36000 35800 Manufacturing costs 265680 172320 438000 Cost per equivalent units 7.38 4.8134 12.1934 Assigned costs Completed and transferred 250920 163655. 6 414575.6 Ending work in progress 7380 2406.7 9786.7 Where the value of equivalent units is obtained from the formula Equivalent units = beginning WIP+ units started completed + ending WIP Cost of ending work in progress = unit cost*(*2000*50%) (Heisinger, p. 163) Question 3: Carvings for Cakes Pty Ltd Excel spreadsheet for calculating cost per unit of activity driver activity cost quantity cost per unit activity prepare annual accounts 5000 #DIV/0! process receivables 15000 5000 3 process payables 25000 25000 1 program production 28000 1000 28 process sales order 40000 4000 10 dispatch sales order 30000 2500 12 develop and test products 60000 #DIV/0! load mixers 14050 1000 14.05 operate mixers 45900 200000 0.2295 clean mixers 6900 1000 6.9 move mixers to filling 3450 200000 0.01725 clean trays 20000 16000 1.25 fill trays 16000 800000 0.02 move to baking 8000 16000 0.5 set up ovens 50000 1000 50 bake cakes/ pastries 130000 1000 130 move to packing 40000 16000 2.5 pack cakes/ pastries 80000 800000 0.1 inspect pastries 2500 50000 0.05 Bill of activities for Lamington bill of activities for Lamington cost rate cost drive level activity cost process receivables 3 500 1500 process payables 1 200 200 program production 28 100 2800 process sales order 10 400 4000 dispatch sales order 12 500 6000 develop and test products 600 load mixers 14.05 100 1405 operate mixers 0.2295 30000 6885 clean mixers 6.9 2000 13800 move mixers to filling 0.01725
Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Responsible Leader and Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Responsible Leader and Manager - Essay Example As a team, the managers coordinate the company’s operations with a focus on satisfying customers and the community and maximising profits. This paper will explain how they use their personal, interpersonal and societal values to manage the stakeholders, including how they demonstrate their awareness of social issues and corporate citizenship responsibilities. Stakeholders The manner in which stakeholders are treated and managed is a crucial component in the revenue generation and success of a corporate outfit. It is the managers’ duty to ensure that stakeholders’ interests are met for the sake of creating beneficial relationships for business continuity. Some of the stakeholders of Debenhams are the customers, employees and corporate shareholders. Customers form the core purpose of any business’ existence. Employees bridge the gap between the company’s operations, products and services, and the customers. Schroder PLC, in its corporate shareholding capacity, has 202.9 million shares, representing a 16 percent shareholding (Baker 2010). The managers integrate their personal values with corporate values to lay strategies to manage the unique needs and interests of each group of stakeholder. Customers The managers at Debenhams understand that their customer base, running into millions, works hard to earn and afford their purchases. They know that quality products alone, without personal attention and appreciation, do not represent full value for customers’ money. They are motivated by the virtue of customer satisfaction to improve their services. They aim to be responsible and active participants in their communities of operation, which are basically made up of their customers. As a corporate entity, the company supports both national and local charities towards the well being of their customers. In a bid to acknowledge their customers’ choice to do business with them, the managers put them at the heart of their dec ision making. In an appreciative gesture that works both for the customers and the company, the customers’ shopping experience is made more exciting by modernising stores, introduction of new brands and products and a proactive customer service department. Products are manufactured to meet customers’ expectations in socially ethical environments and an assurance of quality compliance. The managers display their charitable cause by volunteering and fundraising. Reading this gesture as leadership by example, more volunteers and donors are attracted towards the events. In response to the ever increasing customers’ expectations of a fully fledged multi channel offer, the managers proposed an outsourced customer service department to a professional service provider (Irvine 2008). The outsourced service is committed to allow the customers several shopping options, and the company recorded an increase in sales within four months. This shows the managers’ awarene ss of the requirement to respond to customers’ queries promptly, professionally and effectively. In another show of valuing customers, the company apologised publicly to a customer who was given wrong prices for dresses at the Newcastle branch. After paying for the dresses following an
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Child Law CW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Child Law CW - Essay Example For married couples, parental responsibility is shared whereas for unmarried parents,the law gives the mother an upper hand over custody of their child1. The father can acquire parental responsibility by applying for it. Jenny and Philip came into an agreement with Carol on Emily. Carol was the surrogate mother. After the agreement among the parties, Emily was to be taken by Jenny and Philip. The parties came into an agreement and a reasonable contract on expenses was reached among the three of them. It was legal since the three had an agreement as stated by law and it was upon Carol to agree together with her cousin and husband. Carol planned on giving Emily to Jenny and Philip, which was the right as had been agreed over. According to the agreement, Carol needed money and she opted to be a surrogate mother to cater for her financial needs. After the agreed time, the parents(in this case Jenny and Emily) needed to apply for a parental order that was to give them permanent parental r ights over Bobby. Emily was genetically and extendedly related to both parents. The parental responsibility of Bobbywas under Carol. Any child needs the support of parents for physical, social, emotional and educational growth. Steven and Anita had divorced but Bobby needed them for his growth. Bobby at the age of six was aware of what had happened between his parents. Due to the stalemate, parental responsibility was under Carol at that time.Whenever two groups or parties are not in agreement but are determined to coexist peacefully, finding a solution to their squabbles is inevitable. Jenny and Steven came together to look for a resolution but an agreement was not reached. Steven was worried that Bobby may not have lived according to his religious teachings where a boy was to be circumcised at his tenth birthday. Steven did the right thing by seeking a specific court order because of the previous impasse. The court tried to solve the issue because of the application by Steven on h is residency and contact orders. No immediate family member ofBobby was responsible for his parental rights. This was because Bobby lived with his mother and no harm or suffering or inability to support Bobby was reported.The parent had to take care of the right of the child because they were responsible for the child. Immediate family did not have any responsibility of any kind to the Bobby unless after application.Immediate family members could onlyintervene by following the right process. They could not have parental rights of the child without notifying the right people or the court. They had to follow the right channel to get Bobby under their care. Immediate family member had to have reasons that were valid that Bobby was mistreated to be given the parental responsibility. They had to file an application to the court like the Steven did. If Bobby was mistreated or was close to them then they had a high chance of success. They could not assume parental responsibility without co nsent either from the court or both parents. Another reason why their claims did not favour them is the fact that the child’s mother was alive and living with the child at their time of claims. Anita was alive and living with Bobby at that time and Bobby had a good relationship with her. The court was to decide on the best interest of Bobby. A residence order can be applied when a parent want to stay with the child in question2. A contact order
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Consciousness In The Snows Of Kilimanjaro
Consciousness In The Snows Of Kilimanjaro The Snows of Kilimanjaro is a short novel by well-known American novelist Ernest Hemmingway (1899-1961) by the use of stream of consciousness. The novel shapes the hero Harry, the dying writer, although he feared the advent of death, eventually he expected to rise his own soul to snow-capped peak of Kilimanjaro, so as to realize the detachment of spirit and surpass himself. The Snows of Kilimajaro contains powerful images of death. In fact, the opening paragraph of the novel tells the reader about a carcass of a leopard and Hemingways creates a trio of images that are showed throughout the novel: snow God death. The novel deals with an extreme life situation the experience closely relates to death and the dying experience . Death is exsited no matter place in the novel, it is showed in the main plot of the story and the parts describing the remembrance of the heros life. Decay, destruction and death are the main themes of this short story. Hemingway described the hero Harry with flesh and blood, longing for having real life. Although he felt very helpless and angry for the fate and the death, he still remained clear-headed mentally in the dying point of the death, reflecting himself by the way of recalling the remorse, and regretting his mistake and wasted time. In order to show this theme, Hemingway used his unique technique of stream of consciousness, much space was used to describe Harrys memories in the novelà £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡In the passage of describing the reality that death is approaching ¼Ã…’the narrative of stream of consciousness successfully was inserted in the main form of narration interposed, flashback, multi-perspective rendering method and symbolic, sketching out Harrys life experience, succeeding in describing the activities of Harrys mind, and depicting vividly the characters personality II Embodiments of Stream of Consciousness in the Snows of Kilimanjaro Stream of consciousness is emerged on the basis of realism between the 1920s and 1930s, which breaking the traditional literary technique including character introduction, plot arrangement and comment on the psychological activities, while directly representing awareness activities of the characters, subconscious process is its main feature in particular, image and inner attitude of the characters are regarded as manifesting form. Psychological state is the center line when the hero faced the death approaching in the Snows of Kilimanjaro, radiating out the stream of consciousness is the experience of Harrys life and all the stories related to the death, the center line is regarded as the main line of the whole story vertically develops.Harrys death refracts Harrys life, personality and his attitude towards death. All these above are inserted some narrative of stream of consciousness in the form of narration interposed, flashback, multi-perspective rendering method and symbolic in the center line. Finally, all the consciousness were attributed to a kind of sense, which the sublimation of peoples spiritual realm and the rise of aircraft are integrated, the article mounts to climax , beyond the space-time and reshapes the realm of himself. Time and space crisscross The narration split into two time and spatial levels made it possible for Hemingway to incorporate wider experience. The first level is precisely defined in time and space, whereas the second level is not restricted in this respect. It is on the edge of a dream, so it belongs rather to that surreal world. The combination of both gives strong sense of deep feeling and bitter experience of this violent world. Life is seen as a constant flow of conflicting activities, a mixture of phenomena flourishing and at the same time fading and due to destruction. Hemingway breaks through the limits o f time and space in his pithy style, almost entirely revealing everything both Harrys waking and imagination. During the course of the bounces between Harrys waking and imagination, the author does not simply describe Harrys vacant current -from world-weariness to indignation, but a sort of complicated minds, and meanwhile readers discover the course of Harrys constantly shifting thought-from simplicity to degradation, and then to be awake. Through the double clues of Harrys consciousness, both the back-and-forth-springing and the secret ones as the diagram above illustrates, the entire life of the protagonist comes to be presented step by step and increasingly clear from Harrys recall and regret without chronological ordering. But with this unique employment of the technique of the back-and-forth-springing structure, Harrys stream of consciousness occurs logically and soundly at the same as the events happen around him ,even those before. Reality and Fantasy Interlacing Looking through the whole novel, all the creation of novel are completed with the aid of Harrys stream of consciousness and inner monologue except a few dialogues occurred on Harry and Helen in the awake time, and the limited scenery that Hemingway saw through the eye of hero, by the way of the mixture of reality and fantasy, so that readers can understand Harrys life and psychological state that he faced death threat and feelings of remorse. We can see the two different levels of stream of consciousness between reality and fantasy, which interweaves each other, sometimes from real life to fantasy, and sometimes from dreams to reality, as a result that the readers can straightly glimpse the inner world of characters to penetrate his feeling. In the activities of fantasy awareness, the novel shows the complex events of the past that Harry wrote after he stayed at continental place, including his childhood, the cruelty of the First World War and his skiing, looking for stimulation in gambling, his pain from anesthesia war; the journey and settle in European after the post-war, making money by writing, the personal feelings from increasingly deepening social crisis and social contradictions, his love and dissolute life and loneliness. Under the control of waking awareness, he remembered his wasteful luxury, extravagant, and hedonistic decadent life filled with fancy money and chasing women. He had destroyed his talent by not using it, by betrayals of himself and what he believed in, by drinking so much that he blunted the edge of his perceptions, by laziness, by sloth, and by snobbery, by pride and by prejudice, by hook and by crook. The fear of death for Harry from disgust, hatred was gradually changed into understanding, calm and acceptance. After all, he still loved life, he moved to Africa in order to start from scratch, but he contracted an incurable disease in the place, he was eager to find someone to save him from the death in the last time. At the moment, illusion stream of consciousness appeared, Harry saw that the aircraft droved by Compton to rescue him. He lay still and death was not there. It must have gone around another street. It went in pairs, on bicycles, and moved absolutely silently on the pavements. Because, just then, death had come and rested its head on the foot of the cot and he could smell its breath. Readers think that Harry was really sitting in the aircraft and escaped the death situation, until finally readers know that death did come, and which is the feature of description from illusion to reality of Ernest Hemingway. The master of modern narrative art, Hemingway responses to Harrys the flow of stream of consciousness, so that the stream of consciousness and inner monologue are become into the most powerful tool to express the thinking and activities of the characters. When the story reaches a climax and the energy of theme concentrates to the maximum, the two consciousnesses of reality and fantasy from Harry are integrated into one unit, spewing out the stream of consciousness in the last moment of struggling between the life and the death, which makes all the activities of sense are concentrated together, he dreamed that he flew to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro by plane, Harry understood that the place was his willing. In fact, which is the final climb of Harrys soul to the immortal realm of the spirit. Multiple points of view Hemingway chooses the multi- points of view in the fluid present of novel, so that the hero can scan and look over from several angles and reflect on their past behaviour. The frequent alternation on the person is embodied in the text description. You and he are often alternated in the same sentence in the description, making the narrative points of view frequently change. An objective description is the consciousness guide of readers, while the second-person narrative is associated with the character and the focus of attention from reader consciousness. In this way, describing characters inner activity as if Harry thinks aloud. Through the conversion of narrative point of view, the inner world of characters
Friday, October 25, 2019
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury :: essays research papers
The Book I read was called Fahrenheit 451. Written by Ray Bradbury. Fahrenheit 451 took place in the 24th century. It was about a society that frowned on curiosity and outlawed books. The story focuses around a man named Guy Montage, A man who burns books for a living. The book talks about Guy and his enlightenment towards books and how he discovers himself in the process. There were 5 main character in this book. The main character in the story was Guy Montage, a fireman/pyromaniac. The firemen in this story were actually people who started fires In order to prevent people from reading books. Guy enjoyed his job A little to much he became obsessed with it. Guy had a wife named Millie; She was a pill popping suicidal snob who was obsessed with material things. Guy had a boss named Captain Beaty, A representation of everything that is wrong with society and who encourages Guy to set fires. The person who encourages Guy to experience life is a teenager named Clarisse. The man who eventually acts as a mentor to Guy is a retired English Professor named Faber. The theme of the story is to not let society completely engulf you. I think that bradbury wanted us to read this story and Think to ourselves could this happen to us? I Think That all of Bradburys books are all similar in that they all try to make us think what could and might happen. The way things are going I Think the complete opposite will happen, less and less censorship. Although Both will lead to the same outcome of people being Miserable and sad. Bradbury has a very unique writing style. He writes stories that are totally unbelievable and yet makes them believable. I think that what I enjoy most about reading his books is his way of describing things so sharply and precise that it makes you feel like your in the story. I think that his books scare me a little, In that he writes them so real that I sometimes believe that the stories could happen in actual life.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A Summary Of Research On Job Retention & Turnover In Child Welfare Service Essay
This article discusses job retention in social welfare. Smith (2004) raises a problem that cannot be dismissed lightly: â€Å"staff turnover in child welfare agencies†with estimated turnover rates within â€Å"23% to 85%†annually. Smith (2004) suggests â€Å"the need to explain, understand, and prevent it. †According to Smith (2004), various business environments have used models to explain employee turnover reflecting perceived organizational support and organizational commitment. Only a few studies applied this model when studying child welfare retention. Data was gathered from two surveys to test organizational support on job retention to include factors such as supervisor support, extrinsic rewards, and intrinsic job values. Smith collected data from child welfare staff on two occasions at various agencies to study job retention in child welfare. First, an in-person survey was given. A couple of months later, information was collected from the participating agencies to examine the percentage of individuals that remained employed at the agency. Twelve counties participated. Staff turnover rates were high in these areas of study. Smith (2004) measured organizational and job satisfaction, supervisor supportiveness and satisfaction, job tenure, workload, time use, and perceptions about job turnover and retention. Smith used the organizational support theory and work place exchange relationship to theoretically examine the perceived effects on job retention. The â€Å"work place exchange relationship†, stated by Smith (2004), looks into the relationship of a â€Å"frontline staff†and a direct supervisor. This relationship suggests that when subordinates perceive their supervisor to be supportive â€Å"they become more committed to the organization†(Smith, 2004) Smith (2004) considers the organizational establishment of arrangements that support work-life balance to be an important form of organizational support. This theory suggests that â€Å"workplace arrangements that facilitate work-life balance will promote employee commitment to the organization. †Another aspect of the organizational support theory is that it highlights the â€Å"roles of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards†in employees’ decision to stay with or to leave their employers. For instance, one study concluded that extrinsic rewards, like, benefits package, are important â€Å"motivator†whereas another study on intrinsic rewards found that the latter is a more powerful motivator than the former. (e. g. , Deci, 1971; Snelders & Lea, 1996). The results of Smith’s study indicated that â€Å"extrinsic rewards such as the facilitation of life-work balance and supervisor support are associated with job retention, but reports of intrinsic job value or not†. According to Smith (2004), a social exchange framework is useful for understanding turnover and retention dynamics in child welfare organizations. In my personal view, I find one weakness of the research having â€Å"study measures. . . not standardized. †This makes the research less scientific and subject to criticisms from the scientific and business communities. On the other hand, I find the strength of the research in its confidence in declaring that its findings â€Å"can appropriately be generalized,†however, â€Å"only to high-turnover agencies in rural areas†–thus, the knowledge obtained from the research can be used by decision-makers in formulating and adopting certain policies on employee retention and turnover.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Different Aspect of Chinese Culture and Their Impact on Marketing Essay
Chinese culture is one of the richest and oldest cultures. What makes Chinese culture unique and catchy is the fact that the Chinese all over the world observe their culture with huge amount of enthusiasm and commitment. Four Major aspects of the Chinese Culture that we have analyzed in this paper are: * Collectivism * Degree of uncertainty avoidance * Masculinity, and * Power Distance Collectivism: China as a society is more toward collectivism then individualism. Historically china has long been a family-run country, major portion of the society belongs to agriculture and live in rural areas of a country. Farm and family are the two basic institutions in china which are collectivist in nature. From childhood they trained and learned to work together and believe in â€Å"we†not in â€Å"I†. So from childhood they are integrated into strong cohesive in-groups. In China it is really hard to disagree with someone opinion in public. A direct argument is always avoided. Harmony and oyalty in any institution (in the form of company, family and even in country) is always important. You do not say in public â€Å"free Tibet†. They are highly context society. Instead of saying â€Å"No†, expressions or phrases are used for disagreement. We have seen many examples of their collectivist thinking in business e. g. in case of Lenovo where Chinese and Americans started to work together as business partner. Chinese believe on team’s performance as the criteria for company’s success where as American believes on individual performance. So for any company coming to lead china this aspect is matter of concern for them. They believe that relationship between employee & employer and in between businesses partners are deeply rooted in trust. Family has huge influence in consumer decision making procedure. Family is led be by father/husband who has absolute power and be in charge of family. They are more sincere towards their families than toward non-family organization. In contrary Japanese who are also collectivist in nature have no difficulty in changing their loyalty from their family to institution? The collective culture is deeply rooted in society and a tight political control sometime put multinational companies in great trouble. As we saw in Avon China, company is highly successful in their direct marketing of their cosmetic product throughout the world and even they are successful in china also but government ban their direct sales operation in china due to which they have to change their all sale force strategy. Today some of the manager/leader in china believes that collectivism will soon end in China. Now they believe that people is started to move toward individualism because of globalization. And other huge reason for this is their one child policy especially in their cities. This restriction left society with many young citizens who have been raised to believe that they hold a special place in the world. So they think that this sort of upbringing lower the collectivism in the society. Similarly this one child policy put young one in extra pressure as they have to take care of their family (spouse and child), parents and some time grandparent also. In summary china still is highly collectivist society where they want to put harmony in in-group and work for the interest of their group and not necessarily for themselves. Employee is more committed towards his/her family than to their organization. People belong to in-group in exchange of their loyalty. Uncertainty Avoidance: Level of a culture or society deals on a reality that the future is uncertain: should people try to control the future or just let it happen? This ambiguity brings with it anxiety and different cultures have learnt to deal with this anxiety in different ways. Some studies on the culture of china argue that china has strong uncertainty avoidance but majority of the studies argue that the Chinese culture has a very weaker uncertainty avoidance which avoids too many rules and formalities. Chinese culture is more towards stimulating innovations and emphasizing new ideas. It is flexible and more acting than reacting on changes occurring inside and outside of business. While cultures with very high uncertainty avoidance demonstrate their emotions in such a way that everything which is different becomes dangerous for them. They often resist in changes and worry about their future. In china obedience to laws and rules may be flexible to suit the actual situation and simplicity is a fact of life. The Chinese people feel comfortable with ambiguity, even Chinese language is full of ambiguous meanings that can be difficult to follow or learn for other people. Chinese are good in adaptability and entrepreneurship. The majority of Chinese businesses which constitutes to around 70% -80% of their total businesses use to be small and medium size and most of which are family owned. Martinsons (1997) and Lametal(2005) studies on East Asians shows that for Chinese people unclear information give them more comfort level than any other nation. The example of which their studies demonstrate that informal communication path between Chinese who rely more on personal experience rather than the clear or detailed information. They are more of introvert people who keep more information between themselves, rather than explicitly expressing it. It is more common in China than any other country that apart from the information that is being discussed on table people who interact with them need to interpret the â€Å"real†meaning of conversation yourself, because Chinese people usually prefer to use references to explain something they think you should know and they suppose that other people would understand. We are biased towards the studies that uncertainty avoidance in Chinese culture is weak mainly because for Chinese people importance of information is for the power, instead of than unable to tolerate the uncertainty. So the idea that Chinese culture is uncertainty tolerant is supported. Contrary to the traditional thinking of most of the people and authors of various studies that Chinese people are more conservative in regard to change and Chinese culture has a strong uncertainty avoidance, the facts in this section and in most of the article Chinese people’s attitude tend to be more positive toward change and towards new technology when it comes to experience change or new technology or whatsoever which is a clear indication of weaker uncertainty avoidance of Chinese culture. Other Studies such as Collis (1995) and Brownetal(1998) also compared Chinese culture with various countries culture which supposedly have a weaker uncertainty avoidance. According to their study on people and cultures of various countries â€Å"people from China hold more positive attitudes on change and new technologies than those from countries that they compare, namely, UK, US and Japan†. Masculinity: The Chinese culture is dominated by masculine traits overall, mainly driven by Confucianism in which the focus was not to compromise and women were regarded inferior. Chinese culture was also affected by Daoism which was more feministic in nature but its impact was far less then Confucianism. Following of strict principles as laid down in Confucianism has led the Chinese people to form a masculine society. Observing the priorities of Chinese people one can easily see that they prefer work and income over quality of life, they would leave home for better working opportunities and would sacrifice leisure for better and more income. Success is important and the means to achieving it are not actually given much importance, even if it involves steps that are not beneficial for everyone the main objective is to achieve the end result. Success is defined by who is the winner and not by the path followed towards success. As a nation they rate economic growth as a very high priority and do not consider factors such as environmental or labor issues as crucial, we can see that most of the counterfeit products around the world and manufactured in China which is not limited to small products but even stretches to copying automobiles where exact replicas are made without any regard to patents or original design e. g. cheery qq copied form Daewoo’s matiz for which general motors filed a suit against the Chinese manufacturer. Conflicts in China are not solved by negotiations rather hierarchy and in some cases force is used to suppress the voice of all involved and the will of people at the top is enforced. This leads to lack of ingenuity although increased efficiency because of very clear understanding of what is required from everyone leads to lowest costs which is the benchmark of Chinese production. Also long working hours are not considered a bad thing and leisure time is sacrificed for work willingly. The masculine qualities do help china to efficiently make products, but hamper the services part in general. There is huge gap with respect to gender in China when it comes to leading, very few women can be seen at management posts and women are not considered equal in all walks of life. Also the ratio of girls to boys has been disturbed severely because of the one child policy and people seeking medical procedures to opt for boys instead of girls. Failing in Chinese culture is not a minor accident but considered a disaster and one is expected to be deeply embarrassed in case of facing some failure in life. Even suicides are committed to save one from the shame of facing others after failure, this approach hinders the generation of new ideas and research since the rate of failure is really high in trying new things. As a whole, Chinese people are mainly concerned with the result and being good at achieving them in the most efficient way possible but are not that much concerned about how they do it. Liking what they do is not as important as being the best in it. Power Distance: Chinese culture is considered as high on Power Distance. Being a socialistic society, it is expected of them to be relying on those on top to make decisions. If we look at the Chinese history we could find numerous examples of submission to Government Decisions, however vague or absurd they might look. Strict compliance by the Chinese people on one child policy of the government is one of the examples. From my personal experiences of working at one of the Chinese ventures in Pakistan (Zong), I have witnessed quite a few examples of their obsession towards following the hierarchy. From not contradicting with the seniors even knowing that they are wrong to adjusting their chair height to ensure that they sit lower than their senior are some of the behavioral instances that I have observed about their culture. Now, for a business working with the Chinese whether in a Business to Business or a Business to Consumer relationship, one needs to give due respect and concern to the Power Distance they observe and practice in their daily life. Taking Business to Consumer first, buying behavior in the consumer markets is driven by the parents or elders. Marketer in this case again will have to alter his marketing mix to ensure that his product and promotion catches the attention of the people entrusted with the decision making responsibilities. Similar techniques are required of a marketer seeking Business to Business relationship. Again recalling from my personal experiences at Zong, Chinese vendors adopted this technique of keeping the higher management involved in everything. I had witnessed CEO’s of Chinese vendors visiting zong’s premises even for the trivial things like picking up a cheque or dropping an invoice or some letter etc. as they knew that Zong’s Management personnel will never like to talk to an executive or an officer of the vendor, because of the fact that hierarchies are embedded in their minds. Mistakes were made on the same grounds by the Pakistani Vendors who could send in their lower staff for such jobs, which used to annoy the management and resultantly Pakistani Vendors had very little or no business with Zong. Another threat that High Power Distance poses on a Marketer Pitching his product in China is the impact of Government Regulations. There are numerous examples of Corporate Failure of International Chains in China because of the Government Bans. E. g. Direct Selling by AVON was banned in China by the government because of which they had to change their Marketing techniques for China in order to ensure that they still sell in the market. Even a mere recommendation from the Government on adopting or abstaining from a product can have a great impact on your sales. Organizations in societies who are high on power distance are highly bureaucratic in structure. This is also true for the Chinese organizations as well. This means that the Banking, Finance, Taxation and Insurance sectors of the Economy are highly bureaucratic thereby implying that the process flow is slow and cumbersome. To sum up, Power Distance is one of the ground realities in China and as a Marketer; one could not ignore this fact while pitching his / her products. If you have taken this fact into account and have addressed it properly, you are on the right side of what could be a successful business story.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Equity and trust law assignment, The WritePass Journal
Equity and trust law assignment, Question 1 Equity and trust law assignment, ). Pearce. R and Stevens. J, The Law of Trusts and Equitable Obligations, OUP Oxford, 4th Edition, (2006 Cases Armitage v Nurse [1998] Ch 241, 251 Bahin v Hughes [1886] LR 31 Chd 390 Cowan v Scargill [1985] Ch 270 Green v Ontario  [1973] 2 OR 396 DKLR Holdings Co (No 2) P/L v Commissioner of Stamp Duties (1980) 1 NSWLR 510 Kirby v Wilkins [1929] Ch 444 Knight v Knight (1840) 3 Beav 148 McPhail v Doulton [1970] 2 All ER 228 MacJordan Construction Ltd v Brookmart Erostin Ltd [1992] BCLC 350 Morice v Bishop of Durham (1804) 9 Ves Jr 399 Nocton v Lord Ashburn [1914] AC 932 Re Baden’s Deed Trusts (No 2) [1972] 2 All ER 1304 Re Erskine 1948 Trust; Gregg and Another v Pigott and Others [2012] 3 All ER 532 Re London Wine Co (Shippers) Ltd [1986] PCC 121 Re Rose [1952] Ch 499 Re Smith [1896] 1 Ch 71 Re Vickery [1931] 1 Ch 572 Revenue and Customs Commissioners v Trustees of the Peter Clay Discretionary Trust [2007] EWHC 2661 (Ch) Saunders v Vautier (1841) EWHC Ch J82 Speight v Gaunt (1883) 9 App Cas 1 Target Holdings v Redferns [1996] 3 WLR 352
Monday, October 21, 2019
How to Make a Solar System Model
How to Make a Solar System Model A solar system model is an effective tool that teachers use to teach about our planet and its environment. The solar system is made of the sun (a star), as well as the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, and the celestial bodies that orbit those planets (like moons). You can make a solar system model out of many types of materials. The one thing you should keep in mind is scale; you will need to represent the different planets according to differences in size. You should also realize that a true scale will probably not be possible when it comes to distance. Especially if you have to carry this model on the school bus. One of the easiest materials to use for planets is Styrofoam © balls. They are inexpensive, lightweight, and they come in a variety of sizes; however, if you intend to color the planets, be aware that regular spray paint in a can often contain chemicals that will dissolve Styrofoam - so it is best to use water-based paints. Types of Solar System Models There are two main types of models: box models and hanging models. You will need a very large (basketball sized) circle or semi-circle to represent the sun. For a box model, you could use a large foam ball, and for a hanging model, you could use an inexpensive toy ball. You will often find inexpensive balls at a one-dollar type store. You can use affordable finger paint or markers to color the planets. A sample range when considering sizes for planets, from large to small, might measure: Jupiter (brownish with a red spot): 4 - 7 inchesSaturn (yellow with red ring): 3 - 6 inchesUranus (green): 4 - 5 inchesNeptune (blue): 3 - 4 inchesVenus (yellow): 2 inchesEarth (blue): 2 inchesMars (red): 1.5 inchesMercury (orange): 1 inch Please note that this is not the right order of arrangement (see the sequence below.) How to Assemble the Model To make a hanging model, you can use straws or wooden dowel rods (like for grilling kebabs) to connect the planets to the sun in the center. You could also use a hula-hoop toy to form the main structure, suspend the sun in the middle (connect it to two sides), and hang the planets around the circle. You can also arrange the planets in a straight line from the sun showing their relative distance (to scale). However, although you may have heard the term planetary alignment used by astronomers, they do not mean the planets are all in a straight line, they are simply referring to some of the planets being in the same general region. To make a box model, cut off the top flaps of the box and set it on its side. Color the inside of the box black, to represent space. You might also sprinkle silver glitter inside for stars. Attach the semicircular sun to one side, and hang the planets in order, from the sun, in the following sequence: MercuryVenusEarthMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptune Remember the mnemonic device for this is: My very educated mother just served us nachos.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Grapes of Wrath Importance of the Title
'The Grapes of Wrath Importance of the Title The Grapes of Wrath, a Pulitzer-prize winning book written by John Steinbeck and published in 1939, tells the story of the Joads, a poor family of tenant farmers driven out of Depression-era Oklahoma also referred to as Oakies by drought and economic factors, who migrate to Californa in search of a better life. Steinbeck had trouble coming up with the title for the novel, a classic in American literature, and his wife actually suggested using the phrase. From Bible to Battle Hymn The title, itself, is a reference to lyrics from The Battle Hymn of the Republic, written in 1861 by Julia Ward Howe, and first published in The Atlantic Monthly in 1862: Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:His truth is marching on. The words have some important resonance in American culture. For example, Martin Luther King Jr, in his address at the conclusion of the Selma-to-Montgomery, Alabama, civil rights march in 1965, quoted these very words from the hymn. The lyrics, in turn, reference a biblical passage in Revelations 14:19-20, where the evil inhabitants of Earth perish:  And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great wine press of the wrath of God. And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the wine press, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs. In the Book The phrase grapes of wrath does not appear almost until the end of the 465-page novel: In the souls of the people, the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage. According to eNotes; The oppressed such as the Okies are ripening in their understanding of their oppression. The fruit of their anger is ready to be harvested. In other words, you can push the downtrodden so far, but eventually, there will be a price to pay. In all of these references from the tribulations of Joads, to the battle hymn, the biblical passage and Kings speech the key point is that in response to any oppression, there will be a reckoning, likely ordained by God, and that rightness and justice will prevail. Study Guide QuotesThe Battle Hymn of the RepublicQuestions for Study DiscussionJohn Steinbeck Biography
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Nestl Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Nestl - Essay Example As a result business organizations across nations are breaching political and geographical boundaries in an attempt to grab a share of the market. The emergence of developing nations has created numerous opportunities for business organizations so as to expand into different markets. This has triggered a wave of competition among the business organizations to garb each other’s market share. International expansion also poses numerous challenges for multinational firms which have operations in different regions as markets in different nations have distinct consumer tastes and preferences apart from large scale variations in macro economical and political environments. The present study would deal with the aspect of international expansion and its effects on the product and marketing and product mix of the organization. The organization selected for the study is Nestle. The choice of the organization assumes significance considering the fact that the firm has its markets in nume rous regions and has a large range of product mix and categories that cater to many segments of the consumers across the world. About the Company Nestle is the global leader in the food and beverage industry segment and has a significant presence across numerous consumer markets across the globe. The origins of the company date back to the year 1866 when Henri Nestle founded the organization in Vevey Switzerland. The company has since then grown up a long way to emerge as an organization which boasts of its business presence in almost all the major markets of the world with a profit margin of CHF 108 billion providing employment opportunities to about 280,000 individuals. The company’s mission is to provide best quality and highly nutritious food to individuals across the globe (Nestle, 2011). Opportunities and Challenges of International Marketing International expansion has given rise to a new term called ‘Multinational Corporation’. The word multinational in b usiness parlance implies an organization in which the marketing related tasks are formulated in numerous nations and are coordinated across all the markets where the firm operates (Onkvisit & Shaw, 2008, p.5). International expansion throws numerous opportunities and challenges before an organization. On one hand it opens up numerous opportunities in the form of new markets with good potential. Saturation of a particular product line can also be handled by a firm if it introduces the product in newer markets. It also reflects numerous challenges for an organization as large scale market fluctuation and adaption with the local culture and sentiments play a major role in the success of firms in the international markets (Czinkota & Ronkainen, 2007, p.10). Figure 1: The Process of International Marketing (Source: Philips, Doole & Lowe, 1994, p.28) The figure above shows the process of international marketing in multinational organizations. The figure shows numerous challenges such as a ttitude based barriers, unsolicited orders, lack of willingness as well as time frame based commitment to the
Friday, October 18, 2019
FOUNDATIONS OF SCHOLARSHIP & RESEARCH Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
FOUNDATIONS OF SCHOLARSHIP & RESEARCH - Essay Example The information systems have given enormous facilities to human and data management factors. This piece of work also contains information systems’ services to build mega projects (Link, 2008). The role of business professionals and IT professionals is very significant and inevitable. The professionals, in an organisation, focus on information administration, central systems and framework for smooth operations. As Walters and Tang (2006) state: â€Å"IT-enabled strategic management must address the role of IT plays in the strategy content options and priorities, strategy formulation processes and strategy implementation processes. Strategic management focuses on the identifying the direction of an organization, and designing and instituting major changes needed to gear the organization towards moving in the established directions†. (pp. 02) Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson (2009) articulate that IT provides the tools for quality of services QoS and risk management in the process of strategic management. The study aims are to explore and identify the parameters and correlations between strategic management and information technology. Some factors of the understanding reflections in the affiliation among appropriate features and configuration, and the impacts of IT on business strategies, are discussed. This paper reveals some new avenues of information concerns and designing enterprises’ needs. Furthermore, in the practice of strategic management, the socio-technical factors also described. Project analysis, according to strategy, normally is completed for the reasons that adhered with vision, outcomes, administration and control (Sadler and Craig, 2003). The increasing complexities of organisations have created welcome environment for information technology in which the strategies are geared up for developing new grounds. IT supplies the accuracy, consistency and systematic framework to
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